Before I went on the Camino, I asked many questions regarding the kind of life I want to lead. I was ready for change, but I did not know exactly what. I started my journal on the road with this picture that I drew. I knew I was at a crossroad...and the road home was not evident.
Maybe it's the clutter of the society imposing its values on us. Maybe it's ourselves trying to deny what we really need. There are many ways we can sabotage this vision of life. Very often, it is deep within, and it takes lots of excavating to get the picture to a conscious level. And it takes lots of courage to say "yeah, this is what I want".
Now I believe that the vision of our life is felt in the heart, and not in the head. If we allow ourselves to nurture that desire, the vision that takes us to the end of our journey is one that flows in our blood, with so much conviction that nothing can shake the goal post. To me, Santiago as a destination is a metaphor of this vision.
There will be obstacles. Mountains to climb. Detours to make. But like the river that finds its way to the ocean, the power of our vision will carry us to the final destination. It will be our reason to fight and continue each step of the way.
Along the way, I drew another picture. It was inspired by the mountains and hills of my travels....
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